
Mahashivaratri Yoga Camp 2020


Feb 15, 2020 - Feb 24, 2020    
All Day


Thiruvananthapuram, India
-, Thiruvananthapuram

Event Type

His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Isa’s Mahashivaratri celebration is always a time for intensive sadhana, purification, learning, and life-changing experiences. Swami Isa initiates seekers directly into a personal practice and spends the 6 days preceding auspicious night of Mahashivaratri preparing us for the experience.

Hearing the auspicious sounds of the Chaturveda Yajna (simultaneous chanting of the complete four vedas) is a very rare opportunity, and makes the sacred site of Isalayam Ashram a place radiating peace, truth and divinity. Swamiji’s discourses from the Siva Purana provide us with the clear knowledge and inspiration to pursue our sacred path to union with Total Consciousness.

An international Yoga Camp is being offered at this time for returning and new seekers from February 15-24, 2020, for those who want the full experience of Ashram life during Mahashivaratri.

Course Content

Personalized sadhana and instruction, meditation, group classes on the Siva Purana and Devi Bhagavatam, participation (hearing) of recitation of the Chaturveda, sitting in pujas and homa, bhajans and devotional singing, seva.

The sadhana would generally be instruction in kriyas, mantra japa, pranayama and/or meditation according to the development of the individual.

Contact Information

Name: Franziska
Phone: +91 (471) 2742533
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: http://ivpt.org/isalayam_home/read_news/mahashivaratri-yoga-camp-2020