(Cow face posture)
It looks like the face of a cow and so the asana is known as Gomukhasana.
- Sit in Samatala Stithi
- Right foot is kept by the side of the left thigh, left foot is kept by the side of the right thigh in such a way that the two knees are one above the other
- One of the hands is bent over the shoulder and the other hand is bent below in such a way the two palms are joined in a knot at the middle of the spine
- Breathing in the normal way, the posture is maintained as much time as possible in a comfortable state and then slowly returned to Samatala Stithi
Helps in curing constipation, piles, fistula etc. Helps in removing anomalies in shoulders and sets right hunch-back
Note: Meditation can be performed in this posture by keeping palms on the knees.