13th World Congress on Hematology and Oncology
World Haematology 2019 invites all the participants across the globe to attend the “13th World Congress on Hematology and Oncology” (World Hematology 2019).
The conference conveys recent discoveries and developments in blood disorders and cancers. A complete knowledge of a scientific discipline that described and explores the use of testing, extraction and Devices in industry as well as healthcare markets.
Conference Sessions
Blood Disorders
Hematological Oncology
Blood Transfusion
Stem cell Research
Blood Tests
Multiple Myeloma
Pediatric Hematology
Veterinary Hematology
Biomarkers in Hematology
Hematological malignancies
Management of Hematologic Emergencies
New Drug Discovery in Hematology
Case reports and Epidemiology of Hematology & Hem-Oncology
Hematology & Oncology Nursing
Transfusion Medicine and Hematology Research
Contact Information
Name: Lisa Joseph
Phone: +44-203-7690-972
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://hematology.global-summit.com/