20th International Conference on Virology, Emerging Diseases & Vaccines

20th International Conference on Virology, Emerging Diseases & Vaccines

Conference Series LLC Ltd summon all the participants from all over the world to attend 20th International Conference Virology, Emerging Diseases & Vaccines during October 06-07, 2025 Vancouver, Canada which includes keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.

Conference Scientific Sessions

General Virology
Influenza and other Respiratory Diseases
Transmission of Viruses
Viral Pathogenesis
Viral Genetics, Evolution and Dynamics
Structural and Molecular virology
Transplant-Associated Viral Infections
Veterinary virology
Viral Immunology and Immunopathology
Clinical and Neuro Virology
Viral Oncology
STD’s and Non-Viral STIs
Novel Antiviral Therapies
New and Endogenous Retroviruses
Vaccines and the Microbiome
Immunization and Immunotherapeutics
Vaccines against Emerging Diseases (Ebola/Zika/Dengue/Chik)
Vaccines against tropical and neglected diseases
Novel Vaccine Delivery Methods
Measles as re-emerging infectious disease
Epidemiology of Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Emerging infectious diseases and the “One Health” concept

Contact Information

Name: Sam Brooks
Phone: +1 (628)246-8116
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: https://virology.conferenceseries.com/